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Alternative Tourism

Tourism is a very big industry today. The diverse tourism types are created from the experiences that tourists want to experience; such are the cases of the nature tourism, cultural tourism, adventure tourism, among others. Each type of tourism is a way to give a denomination to a new market niche for a different experience.

Such is the case of the two big types of tourism: (1) mass tourism, and (2) alternative tourism.

"Mass Tourism" or "Traditional Tourism" generally refers to the big conglomerates or tourist resorts in the world. Where the tourist companies are property of big transnational corporations, where one expects the same type of service and facilities whether in Bali or in New York, and where there is little interaction with the local communities.

On other a counterpart has arisen hence its name "Alternative Tourism", concept that is defined as not being mass tourism. Under the alternative tourism concept we can find a series of classifications and types of tourism. What characterizes the concept of "Alternative" is the existence of small or medium companies, created by families or friends, where there is the possibility of more contact with the communities and where most of the times there is a respect for the environment. This concept is generally used by government institutions and academics, and very rarely a traveller will ask in an information centre for places or activities of alternative tourism.

Some researches have tried to define alternative tourism as a tourism that gives emphasis to the contact and understanding between the hosts and the tourist, as well as the environment. Also as a tourism that is consistent with the natural, social and community values and that allows a positive relationship among locals and tourists . Alternative tourism includes micro and small companies of local inhabitants' property .Other characteristics of alternative tourism are smaller impacts in the natural and social environments, links with other sectors (agriculture, craft) of the local economy and retention of earnings in the region .

The classifications that can be included under the concept of alternative tourism can be Natural, Cultural, Events and Others. The "Natural" (tourism that you can undertake in natural places, about the nature, and/or for the preservation of the natural environment) it includes: adventure tourism, ecotourism, and nature tourism. The "Cultural" (tourism that involves contact and learning about a culture) it includes the archaeological, rural tourism, religious and ethnic. "Events" (tourism interested in experiencing characteristic events of an area or important annual events) that include sports, carnivals and festivals for example. In the classification of other everything enters that you cannot include in the other classifications like volunteering, farm stays, educational tourism, etc.

In relation to Goa, Medical Tourism which is a part of Alternative Tourism has become a important part due to the top end Medical Facilities now available in the State.Besides Medical Tourism other facets of Spiritual and Wellbeing Tourism such as Yoga , Ayurveda , Cosmetic Surgery, Water Theraphy have also started gaining prominence in Goa as a form of Tourism.


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