Visitors to Goa tend to think that food and drink in Goa means the famous fish, curry, rice and feni package. And for most Goans these are indeed the three basic necessities of life # fish, curry and rice. They combine to make a heavenly daily meal for the average Goan. But Goan cuisine, like the land itself, has many flavours and tastes with its vast treasure trove of culinary delicacies.
Food festival is planned to give special focus on Goa with reference to Seafood and is an annual feature. Goan food is as famous as the Goans' endeavour for poetry, painting and music. Goans' have elevated cooking to a delicate art, thereby evolving a unique cuisine, which is an inspired blend of the Western and Indian variety. However, the pride of the place goes to seafood with a host of fresh varieties. Goan seafood is sure to satisfy the most discerning gourmet.
A number of stalls run by reputed caterers both from the best hotels as well as restaurants and even housewives offer one a rich experience of Goan cuisine. There are also stalls catering to aerated drinks, alcoholic beverages, ice-creams and snacks. Cultural programmes and fire works display are also presented, which also concludes the food celebration.
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