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Spice Farms In Goa

An excursion to the spice farms in Goa revives memories of the spice trade where India was the hub of spice trade to countries in the Middle East and Europe. These spice farms which located on the foothills of the Western Ghats located at the eastern side of Goa grow a number of spice, tropical fruits, medicinal trees and herbs which include cardamom, vanilla, saffron, nutmeg, coffee, cloves, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, mango, papaya, pineapple, jackfruit, aeracanut, coconut,etc. A visit to these farms is educative as one experience and feels these plants first hand, before these spices/fruits reach your kitchen and eventually your stomach. It takes one close to nature. It is an experience is one would treasure for ever. Most of these spice farms offer a conducted tour which would include a traditional welcome and a welcome drink, a tour of the spice farm, a traditional meal. Some also offer accommodation facilities for a much fuller experience. Notable among these spice farms are Sahakari Spice Farm off Ponda, Pascoal Spice Village near Khandepar and Savoi Plantation at Savoi Verem.


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