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Water Sports in Goa

Goa is a paradise for water sport lovers. The long coastal area offers a wonderful opportunity to indulge in all sorts of water sport activities. A number of government and private organizations including hotels and tour operators conduct regular water sport activities including training courses at a very nominal rate for tourists. Here we list the major water sport activities along with the names of orgnisations or centres involved.

Goa offers an extremely good climate and excellent facilities for water sports in India. Going by the interests of visitors who come to Goa from different parts of the globe, water sports provide an exciting way to relax and unwind. The best season for enjoying water sports in Goa is from October to May when the skies here are cloudless and blue, and the waters placid. For the rest of the months, because of the heavy rainfall, facilities for these sports remains mostly closed.

Water sports is a sprawling activity in Goa. From exclusive domain of five star hotels to private operators, water sports in Goa has come a long way. Move on, river Mandovi and lakes also give you choice of water sports.

Water sports have witnessed a stupendous growth all along the Goa and have been largely responsible for the Windsurfing Regatta, which is now an annual event. This, along with the Open Board Sailing Competition that lasts up to a week, are events that all water enthusiasts have come to look forward to.

Some of the Adventures in Water Sports in Goa are:-

Dinghly Sailing,Scuba Diving,Water Skiing,Angling.


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