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Parasailing in Goa

Parasailing can give a high to anyone by a mere thought of it. Parasailing is also called Parascending. This adventure is a recreational activity where a person is towed behind a vehicle (usually a boat) while attached to a parachute. The parascender has little or no control over the parachute. This water sport is primarily an amusement ride, not to be confused with the sport of para gliding. In land based parasailing the parasail is towed behind a car or a snowmobile. In accuracy competitions the tow-vehicle controls the speed and height and the person flying the parasail controls the parasail sideways.The competitions consist of two parts: dropping/throwing a streamer to a target and accuracy landing.

The competitions consist of two parts: dropping/throwing a streamer to a target and accuracy landing. Beaches like Anjuna Beach Goa, Baga Beach Goa, Condolim Beach Goa, Majorda Beach Goa, Dona Paula Beach Goa offer parasailing options to the adventure lovers.

With one end of the rope tied to the speed boat and the other to the para sail, you are up there, left suspended to feel the air on your face. There is either option of beach parasailing and winch parasailing, the beach parasailing requires more expertise on the part of the operator. On the other hand winch boat parasailing takes you higher.

As it is well known that Goa is not only famous for site seeing and beautiful locations but it is also famous for adventure sports. One of them is Para sailing, which every visitor looks forward to. Government and non-governments organizations organize water sports activities including training sessions at a nominal rate for tourists. The Taj and Bogmalo resort hotels are one of them which provide required equipment for Para sailing.

Though this water sports is available at many beaches but parasailing on Sinquerim-Candolim-Calangute is special since you get the views of Fort Aguada and River Princess (grounded tanker). Otherwise you can also para sail at Arrossim-Cansaulim and Utorda stretch, Mobor beach and Miramar. A word of caution before you para sail: do not forget to double check your harness, and see that there is another person apart from the boat operator to keep an eye on you.


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