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Fishing In Goa

It is a great opportunity for the anglers among us to practice their favourite sport in the beautiful, tropical surroundings of Goa. You will go bottom sea fishing and trawling on the Arabic Sea. At the end of the day you can show off your catch to all your friends and let it be cooked for you in the hotel.

Fishing or Angling in Goa is a great experience. It is a great opportunity among anglers to practice their favorite sports in the tropical surroundings of Goa. Fishing often reminds one of Hemmingway's Old man who spent days in the sea to catch the marlin and bring his prized catch to the land wanting to reestablish the fact among his fellow fishermen of the strength and skill Santiago still had in him to fight back.

Fishing is a sport, which does kindle in one the sense of worth, and triumph when the angler catches the best fishes and takes them back to the land to show off to his fellow mates and together enjoys the catch. The Agonda beach Goa is one of the best spots for sea fishing in Goa. Soormai, salmon and mullet are amongst the catches. There are organizations and even individuals who offer boats for hire with or without the necessary tackle. A three-hour boat trip to fish a high tide will cost about ten pounds per person. Bottom fishing and trolling are the two basic types of boat fishing in Goa.

If you plan for a bottom fishing you will be heading towards the numerous rocky outcrops along the shoreline. Rockfish and the occasional snapper is almost a guaranteed catch. If you wish to tackle a bigger fish you have to let your boatman know of your intention. Catching Stingrays and Grouper would mean fishing with heavier tackle and travelling to more distant marks. Trolling is a much less productive form of fishing generally salmon and Barramundi are the target species.


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