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An individual can access information about themselves (and no one else) by contacting the Company and speaking to their privacy officer / CEO who will arrange an
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Data quality, storage & security
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Complaints procedure
The Company maintains privacy procedures to the highest of standards.  Any complaints relating to The Company's personal information handling practices are dealt with by its privacy officer / CEO.
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The Company and its websites (online brands)
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You may send this notice to Copyrights & Legal Department, Best Tourism Deals (I) Pvt Ltd., L61, 4th Floor, Alfran Plaza, M G Road, Panjim Goa. 403001. EMAIL : ceo@besttourismdeals.com Every person downloading, reproducing or otherwise using the information from the Company’s website (s) must prevent any unauthorized copying of the information. You will only use the information for lawful purposes and in accordance with the conditions usable by self for reservations of hospitality services and hotels / resorts.


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