Many temples have an annual festival of Bhajans in honour of their deities. They may be for one or more days. When it is conducted for seven days it is called Saptah.
The most famous in Goa is held at Vasco Da Gama city. The festival is celebrated on the anniversary of the day the Shreephal was installed which falls on the day of Nag Panchami.
The religious rituals of Saptah commence at 12:30 Pm on the day of Nag Panchami, with the offering of the new coconut by one of the elders of the family. Singing of devotional songs or Bhajans starts at this time and continues uninterrupted for 24 hours. At night, beautifully decorated tableaux, with mythological themes are brought in procession to the temple from various parts of the town by different groups of the community.
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