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Hanuman Jayanti

The day is celebrated as the birthday of hanuman the ape commander of the forces of Rama.Hanuman is considered to be one of the greatest embodiments of strength, speed, agility, learning and selfless service and devotion to lord rama.

Hanuman is symbolic of physical strength and is therefore the personified deity of the wrestlers, body builders and physical institute lover. Images of this deity are usually made of red stone, smeared with red vermillion.

He could fly at the speed of wind, uproot mountains and trees, assume any size and shape at will and make himself invisible. He is considered as the embodiment of nishkam karmyoga, love sincerity and true devotion.Rama and Hanuman are inseparable. His celibacy is of the highest order and for the sake of lord Rama; he did things which were almost impossible for others.


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