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Home     Goa Guide     Dussehra


Dussehra or vijaya Dashmi is a popular Hindu festival, celebrated with enthusiasm all over India. It is observed on the tenth day of the bright half of Ashvin. Vijaya means Victory and Dashmi means tenth, so vijaya Dashmi is the other name of Dussehra victory on the tenth.

According to Hindu mythology, on Dussehra, lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Vishnu, invaded Sri Lanka and came out victorious, after defeating Ravana. Dussehra in Sanskrit also means taking away the ten sins. The ten heads of Ravana, represents these ten sins and Rama destroys them.

In the temple on Dussehra day, Lord Rama is worshiped, prayed and meditated upon to obtain his blessings and favour.Also, artisans worship their instruments, agriculturists their ploughs, warriors their weapons and students their books.

It is considered a very auspicious day. Therefore new ventures are started on this day as it is considered that the same will be successful.Dussehra also commemorates the annihilation of the Buffalo demon, Mahishasur by the warrior goddess Durga.


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