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The word divzam has come from the word divzam which means four coners.It is a divli (lamp) with four pontio (wick) and one on top. All are pointed to allow to light the ponti. There is a handle to hold the divzam.Earlier they were made of clay. Nowadays they are made of brass, steel or silver.

Zatra celebrations where divzam are used is called divzam. Most of the temples, big or small, celebrate the zatra of divzam.Divzam means light. It is in our culture to perform aarti of divzam, when winners in the war or when a family returns home after being away for long. So also when family members return after putting to fire the demon, narkasur or performing the shigmo rituals.

This aarti of divazm is performed to get rid of the evil spirit. Those who participate have to observe fast. They can eat a sweet dish made of moog or fruits. They have a bath and wear new clothes. Thereafter they go to the temple and pray to the deity.


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