Anant Chaturdashi or the preceding the full moon day of Bhadrapad, ten days after Ganesh Chaturthi , ends one phase of the chaturmaas festive season. In Goa many families have grand celebrations on this day, with special pujas performed and serving food to the devotees. In Goa some families observe this day with pujas performed in honor of Anant.On this occasion, a puja is held in the afternoon when the Anant chaturdas thread, which is red in coloue, is installed and a puja performed. Large numbers of Hindus, Christians as well as Muslims attend the festivity. On this day, the rare right sided conch decorated with pearls, gems and gold is exhibited for public veneration. The festivity starts with the silver image of lord Vishnu, sitting atop a horse, placed in front of the prayer room, which is beautifully decorated. Rice is offered to the deity and the community dinner commences. After dinner bhajans are sung or some other programme is arranged to help keep vigile during the night till the uttarpuja is performed the next morning.Invitations are sent for the puja and an announcement made in the press. Earlier people were invited orally. It is believed that if an individual performs puja for 14 consecutive years he will flourish and be prosperous.
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