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Sun Burn Festival Goa

Sun Burn Festival Goa

With over 35 artist spread across 3 days on an idyllic beach in Goa, SURNBURN Festival Goa is one of India's first officially recognized international dance music festivals, and Asia's largest. 

The first of its kind in 2007, the Sunburn Festival Goa is the brainchild of PDM Entertainment and MTV VJ/Submerge promoter Nikhil Chinapa, and boasts an impressive line up of the finest international DJs and artist alongside the best of the best from India.  2007 included biggies like Carl Cox, above and beyond, Axewell, Anil Chawla and Jaytech.

Headlines at Sunburn Festival Goa 2008 include hard hitter Eddie Halliwell, psy-trance gurus GMS (live), death defying John 00 Fleming and Digital Blonde (live), Richard Durand, Pearl, Roger Shah, a.k.a sunlounger, Midival Punditz, Jalabee Cartel (live), Norman Doray, Shiva sound system, and ATFC, amongst others.  The festival takes place from Dec 27-29 on Candolim Beach, north Goa. (12noon-10pm daily), with 4 stages, a food court, 7 bars and a VIP bar at the venue, and a host of after-parties that go on until dawn at the club Butter.

About Sunburn Festival Goa

The dream started many years ago and like good wine, the idea did take some time to mature.  It happened after Pearl and i went for a cataclysmic mind altering party at ibiza.  After that night the only thought that kept going through our minds was how we could bring this back, to share with our friends at home.

Just a lark we started having a night every year around New Years at a friends shack called Zanzibar in Goa.  Six years back was our first night and we played to approximately fifteen people mostly being our friends and associates.  Today this same night has grown by leaps, bounds, and sounds into becoming one of the most sought after party places, with a crowd of eighteen thousand people passing through Zanzibar over 8 days.

The most beautiful aspect of this party is that is free, absolutely free, on a public beach and it will always be that way.

Pearl being one of the main reasons why this started nothing could have been possible without her help.  Her influence on the scene in India is not for me to comment on, but for clubbers to experience.

Indian line up brings as much to Sunburn Festival Goa as our international stars.  With their in depth musical skills experience and fan following no festival in Goa can be complete without them.

Goa is the only  place in the world i'd do it actually, because it feels like coming home.  With its friendly people, gorgeous waters, flea markets and now an Electronic Dance Music festival to call our own, its like dream come true to life. 


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