The Christians has a lot of events and festivals that are celebrated. Christmas stays the prime of all the festivals that are followed. The birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated with much pomp and style every 25th December. It comes without saying that the whole world celebrates the day but in India, the maximum movement is seen in Goa. Christmas trees, carols and cakes, and above all Santa Claus are what people who aren't Christians celebrate too. The other event is the Carnival that is celebrated in the month of February. The day marks the King Momo's arrival. The Hindu's celebrate the Shigmo and the Zatra's which the prime festivals unlike the common festivals. The other events that are held are the Sangeet Samelan, the Igitun Chalne and the Kavelem Yatra etc. All the festivals that are celebrated are celebrated with a united spirit. The other seasonal festivals are mandatory too. Diwali, Ganapati and other Hindu festivals are celebrated with the same zest. The Festivals and Events in Goa have a lot of culture and tradition depiction. With each festival there are a rituals and traditional customs that are followed. The farmers i.e. the rural class have a different set of festivals and events, where as that of the urban class is a little different.
Since 1952, India has hosted 34 International Film Festivals, both competitive and non-competitive. The Festival aims at providing a common platform for the cinematographies of the world to project the excellence of the film art; contributing to the understanding and appreciation of film cultures of  different nations in the context of their social and cultural ethos; and promoting friendship and co- operation among peoples of the world.
These festivals became annual events from 1975 onwards. The next festival, which includes a competition for feature films by Asian Directors, will be held in Goa The Festival is being organised by the Directorate of Film Festivals, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India in collaboration with the Indian Film Industry.The Festival is recognised by the International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations (FIAPF).
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