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Home     Goa Guide     Three Kings Feast

Three Kings Feast

The feast of the three kings is celebrated on the 6th of January every year by the catholic church all over the world. In Goa too all the churches celebrate the feast on this day. However it is celebrated with pomp and gaiety as the main feast at Verem, Bardez Taluka in the Reis Magos church, at Cansaulim , Mormugao Taluka in the chapel of our Lady of Bethlehem. The feast of the three Kings is also known as the feast of The Magi.

One of the most colorful celebration sis no doubt the one celebrated at Cuelim, in Salcete taluka stands the chapel of Nossa Senhora dos Remedious.On the feast day three little boys who have been selected one each from the three villages of Cuelim, Cansaulim and Arossim, to represent the Magi Gaspar, Baltazar and Melchior and carry the gift to the infant child , gold , myrrh and frankincense.

The three boys dress in the robes of the King, and siting on horseback, climb the hill (monte of Our Lady of Mercy and then in procession come down to the main church for the solemn feast High Mass concelebrated by a group of priests. After the mass is over there is a procession in which confreres or members of the confraternity participate it moves in a queue around the patio of the church and the nearby cross and wend their way back to the church.


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