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June may be considered as the month of feasts with celebrations of three important feasts of saints of the Roman Catholic Church. On thirteenth is the feast of St. Anthony the most popular saint of Portugal and patron of the Portuguese capital, Lisbon. He is also very popular in Goa second only to St Francis Xavier the patron of Goa.

On the twenty fourth is the feast of St John the Baptist which Goans celebrate and is full of local tradition .last but not the least comes the feast of St Paul and St Peter which is celebrated on twenty ninth June the latter head of the Catholic church and the Keeper of the gates of Heaven.

In Goa the villagers of Candolim, siolim, Ribander, Agacaim, are some of the villages where the feast is celebrated with pomp and gaiety. Besides the religious celebrations which include the high mass in the morning the feast has an important local tradition.

A colorful festival of boats is organized in the afternoon which is called Sangodd.Two boats are tied together and a stage is put across them with a cross prominently displayed in a church like structure. The binding together of the boats is called Sangodd.


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