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Home     Goa Guide     Fama De Menino Jesus De Colva

Fama De Menino Jesus De Colva

In south Goa there is a beautiful village named colva where exists the church of our Lady of Mercy, in which is installed the Miraculous idol of infant Jesus. People from all over Goa throng to this church to pay obeisance to the infant on the day of the fama.

Before celebrating any main feast preparatory novenas for nine days are held. A day prior to the beginning of the novenas the fama is held. The feast is celebrated with great pomp. However it is very interesting to note that the fama of the Menino de Jesus of Colva is the only one that is celebrated with great pomp and gaiety. A large number of devotees attend the fama not only from colva, but from all over Goa.

On this occasion the infant which is covered with regal robes and jewellery is taken out from the niche in a solemn procession around the church in which are hundred of devotees. The statue is then undressed and given a bath and the water is collected by the devotees, it is then exposed for the public veneration, when thousands queue up to kiss the infant. Childless parents, who were bestowed with a child to fulfill the vow made by them, bring the baby for the fama and deposit the child on the altar of the Menino as thanks giving.


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