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Catholic Festivals

Goa has a unique blend of socio-religious culture. Being a predominantly Roman Catholic society, there are more Christian festivals in Goa. The Goanese calendar is marked by several feast days, thanksgiving, monsoon celebrations, and processions, and the temples and churches of Goa are unique in their celebration of these festivals.

Almost every town and city in Goa has a church, which signifies that Christians here form the second largest majority after Hindus. The Christians in Goa celebrate their festivals with much splendor and delight and are worth a watch. Some major festivals celebrated by the Christians in Goa are Christmas, Good Friday, St. Xavier's Feast, Feast of the Three Kings, Bonderam and the Margao Feast.Goa has a rich cultural history and being a part of India itself means having a kaleidoscope of festivals. This small sate of India was under the Portugal rule, Mughal rule and also has a tradition of its own. This has resulted in a unique cultural amalgamation, which is evident from the festivals it celebrates. People in Goa are extremely tolerant of different religions and respect different religious faiths.

Goa celebrates not only Hindu Festival, Muslim Festival and Christian festivals, but also festivals that are exclusive to Goa. Some of these festivals are typical of Goa and can be as Goan festivals. Check out our related sections to have an idea about the major festivals of Goa.The Portugal rule in Goa left a deep and ever lasting Christian influence in this state of India. At that time, people were converted to Christians on a large scale. Though they follow the Christian practices and believe in the Christian faith, but they have not forgotten their roots.


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