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Exotic Palms Resort


Exotic Palms Resort Goa

Brief on Exotic Palms Resort Goa

Sitting serenely and modestly, this brand-spanking hotel called Exotic Palms Resort Goa has just six rooms and three suites, so you'll be pretty much away from the tourist masses here. But you'll find all Calangute Goa attractions within easy reach.

If you're seeking a far flung exotic escape where you can really get away from it all, you have  just found  your dream ticket at Exotic Palms Resort Goa. Like its name suggests, Exotic Palms Resort Goa lives in a corner of the world that has nodding coconut trees and lush green scenery.

Location of Exotic Palms Resort Goa

The gorgeous snow-white sands of calangute Goa and bustling town are just a 10 minute stroll away when you want to get back into the real world for a while.

Accomodation at Exotic Palms Resort Goa

Exotic Palms Resort Goa provides 6 rooms and 3 suites. Exotic Palms Resort Goa provides standard room having double bed, telephone satellite TV, fridge, air-conditioning, shower and balcony.

Suites at Exotic Palms Resort Goa have 2 double beds, all of the above facilities, plus bath and shower. Exotic Palms Resort Goa also provides room service.

Sip a fruity cooler back at base in the atmospheric bar at Exotic Palms Resort Goa. And when you've worked up an appetite, pull up a chair in the open-air restaurant and tuck into the mouth-watering cuisine at Exotic Palms Resort Goa.

However you spend your time at this pristine retreat, Exotic Palms Resort Goa have got a feeling you'll want to return here time and time again.

Facilities at Exotic Palms Resort

  • Childrens Play Area
  • Room Service

Room Amenities

  • Cable TV
  • Laundry Service
  • Airconditioned
  • Telephone
  • Shower


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