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General Tips for You

General Tips

* Drink only bottled or boiled water, or carbonated (bubbly) drinks in cans or bottles. Avoid tap water, fountain drinks, and ice cubes. If this is not possible, make water safer by both filtering through an absolute 1 micron or less filter AND adding iodine tablets to the filtered water. Absolute 1 micron filters are found in camping/outdoor supply stores.

* Buy bottled water from respectable outlets to guard against stomach upsets. Some of the better known brands are Bisleri, Kinley, Aqua Fina, Himalaya etc. Make sure that the seal of the bottle is intact.

* Watch out for spicy dishes, especially at the outset of your tour. Avoid eating food from road side stalls. Eat unpeeled fruits and avoid fresh salads, especially in small hotels. If you are forced to eat food at some place that you have doubts about, make sure the food is served hot.

* Always use an insect repellent if you find yourself in a mosquito-prone area. But remember, not every place is mosquito-infested and low temperatures in winters (when most tourists come to India) kill most bugs in the northern plains and hills.

* If traveling in scorching heat, remember to drink enough water, use hats, sunglasses & UV lotions. Do not venture out in the mid day sun.

* Pharmacies or chemists are available in every little town and village and you can buy medication. In case you need to see a doctor for a specific condition, ask for help from your hotel (most have doctors on call) or your tour operator. The cost of visiting a doctor is fairly low(less than a dollar) compared to western countries.


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