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Home     Goa Guide     Shri Saunsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math

Shri Saunsthan Gokarn Partagali Jeevottam Math

Born under the divine inspiration of his Holiness Haturli Mathadhish Shrinad Brahmanand Swamiji, the Tapobhoomi Complex at Kundai has no/v become a cnitre_ of pilgrimage to the students of Hindu culture and religion, spread over an are of 10,000 sq. mts.

This centre of Param Pujya Padmanabh Shishya Sampradaya harbaurs a number of projects, a unique Datta mandir, Sanskrit pathshala, Dhyaan Gumfa (Chamber for meditation), Ayurveda Centre, Yoga Anusandhan Kendra, Bhajani Vidyalayi Bhaktoddhar Library, etc.

His Holiness Brahmanand Swamiji, who is the head of Haturii Muth has rendered yeomen service to uplift poor, downtrodden people in the last two decades. While propagating the Bhakti movement in this holy land, he has salvaged poor and middle class from falling into the clutches of vices such as drinking, gambling, drug-abuse etc. It is solely because of Swamiji's guidance that thousands of young people have been able to-walk in the right direction.

Tapobhoomi has been set up to educate mankind about its duties and responsibilities. Tapobhoomi has been set up to spread the message of divine love and compassion. Tapobhoomi is indeed a temple of humanity, standing firm on the foundation of devotion i.e. Bhakti.


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