Between the years of 1589 and 1812 there was no temple in Mapusa as they had all been destroyed. SAKHARAM KHADILAR known as 'Ramdasibuva' roamed the country side singing praises to Lord Rama and spreading his teachings. He lodged at a rest house in Mapusa and would conduct the chanting of Holy songs called 'Bhajans' with pooja to the all powerful Lord Maruti, to all powerful Lord Maruti, son of the god of Wind whose picture he would adore. he soon had followers from among the Jains who lived in the area. The picture of Lord Maruti was then kept at a shop of fireworks belonging to one Ladko Pokle while While Ramdasibuva returned to his own home.
The following year he came back with a silver idol of Maruti which replaced the picture at Pokle's shop on the 11th of Apirl 1843. By now the place teeming with devotees. Pokle's shop's was acquire the temple built and idol placed. by coincidence it faced the South. The Goa no temple or house faces south as it is believed that evil sprits enter from this direction . The south facing Lord Maruti is supposed to fight evil forces and protect his devotees from bad lack that could last up to seven years. when prayed to, he answers prayers and is to of strict nature. The rituals are followed in same manner.
The temple has an entrance facing the north. It was built in stages with the sponsorship of the rich and the business community of Mapusa. It has a richly carved silver doorway made by local artisan. The floor is marble and on the north side is carved teak wood Palanquin that is used to carry the deity in procession on the day of its feast.
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