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Home     Goa Guide     Shri Damodar Temple

Shri Damodar Temple

22 kms from Margao at Zambaulim-Sanguem, situated in picturesque surroundings on the banks of river Kushavati, popularly known as Panti. Near the temple, the river is regarded particulary holy and is said to have medicinal properties. The deity is worshipped by the Hindus and Christians alike.

A week long celebration of Shigmo is packed with programs which include a colourful fair, exchange of gulal, collective meals and presentation of shows on popular legends and folk culture. The deity was originally in Margao.

This temple is situated at Zambaulim, about 22 kms from Margao, on the banks of the Kushawati river. The deity was originally based in a temple at the exact spot where the Church of Holy Spirit stands in Margao today. It was moved in 1565 AD to escape the Portuguese inquisition when the original temple was destroyed and the Church of Holy Spirit built on its site.

The Kushawati river is believed to have great healing powers and devotees take bath here to cure themselves of bodily ills. The main festival celebrated is Shigmo, the Goan Hindu festival of color.

The Mahajans of the Temple are from Kaunsha, Bharadwaj, Kashyapa and Vatsa gotras.


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