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Villages & Island

Goa and villages! Don't be surprised. Goa is essentially a village state with 347 villages as compared to 44 towns. Behind all the modern beaches and trance parties is that Goa which is close by yet so rural, so untouched. At the core of this hot tourist destination and modern beaches is a rural Goa and the heart of every Goan is essentially a villager. Whichever part of the earth they might travel, their heart remains connected to the roots.

Goan villages by and far are better than other villages in India. They might not fit into that mental picture which comes to your mind with word 'village'. Goa has one of the highest literacy rates in the country and education and civic sense reflects in them. Though villages in Goa these days are having the trouble with garbage disposal.

Goan villages are generally densely packed with houses. Alleyways broad enough to pass a bullock cart separate the houses, however more than bullock carts you will spot scooters.

The houses these days built in Goa are of concrete, the second floor is kept open for grain storage. The older houses are of laterite (red stone) though now days you will see it being used to give a decorative touch to municipal buildings. These traditional old houses were protected from rains by palm frond screens but this has now been replaced by concrete and plastic roller blinds. Though piped municipal water is available in houses but they also have traditional wells in houses and some have roof tanks also.

Corjuem forms a dainty bead in the river-rimmed necklace of the emerald islands, which are enveloped by silvery rivers or their tributaries, comprising Goas rich heritage and natural grandeur.Every Goan island has a date with country-crafts and flat-bottomed ferries.Corjuem island is the famous island of Goa alongwith the other islands like diwar island.


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