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Old Aged Homes

Ageing should be seen as the beginning of a new chapter on how to live young in chronologically advancing years with an up-beat positive attitude. It should be viewed as another climb, gentler this time and it is entirely in your hands how happily and healthily you want to grow older, not get old.

The seniors mut learn to get rid from their minds of the fear that getting old means decline, loneliness, isolation, loss of power and prestige. There are several elders who suffer from abuse at the hands of their own children and daughter in laws and many have been deprived of their gold, money and property, besides being driven out from their own homes and abandoned to live as destitute in the old aged homes.

The Provedoria in Goa runs old aged homes and provides financial assistance, shelter and food to the destitute, however there is need for the government to further strengthen the department so as to provide opportunities that inspire and motivate seniors to derive self esteem and dignity and lead active and meaningful lives by involving themselves in activities that promote successful ageing.

There are senior citizens who need legal advice and this can be rendered free of cost. Senior Citizen Cards can also be directly distributed through such service. Again, there are elders who are keen on reading and learning or who want to work after retirement and their services can be utilised for taking up different responsibilities.

Mobile van service carrying doctors, social workers and welfare officers can be set up through public-private partnership (PPP) for catering to the needs of old people and regular health check-ups, meditation and spiritual counselling can be undertaken at the village level.


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