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Home     Goa Guide     Museum of Christian Art

Museum of Christian Art

The Museum of Christian Art, set up in 1994, is one of its kind in Asia, and a must see for art lovers. The museum was earlier located in Margao at Rachol but its remoteness hampered its popularity. The museum was then relocated to a more convenient location. It now stands within the convent of Santa Monica in old Goa in the company of world heritage monuments.

The museum was set up by the combined efforts of Calouste Gulbentian foundation of Portugal and the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) New Delhi. Today, the museum, in terms of its collection is unparalleled. It boasts of some of the finest archetypes of the craft adorning the churches of Goa.

Among its exclusive collection is an artifact, a Pelican monstrance based on the legend that in times of famine, the mother Pelican plucks open her breast and feeds her young on her own blood. The artistic iconography explicitly suggests that the holy sacrament is the food for man's salvation. St. Francis Xavier, close to the hearts of Goans is a special theme here also on silver plaques and panels of silver casket.

The museum has a spectacular collection of gold items, precious stones and rosaries and ivory images. Jesus as shepherd with his flock of lambs in a pensive mood sitting on a caved hilltop, St. Mary Magdalene stands in the front grotto.

With all its collection and beauty, one can't surely afford to miss this museum. The museum is open seven days a week from 9:30 am to 5:00pm.


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