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Goa Science Centre

Goa Science Centre is a constituent unit of National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) functioning under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India who has set up a chain of science Centers all over India including the Science City at Kolkata. Goa Science Centre has been developed as a joint project of the NCSM and Department of Science Technology & Environment, Govt. of Goa. The Govt. of Goa has given 5acres of land in a prime location at Miramar for this centre and has actively collaborated in the development of the project. The challenging work of setting up this Centre was started in 1999 and was completed in a record time of 2and a half years.

The entire development work, Design & fabrication of Exhibits etc. is carried out under the expertise of Nehru Science Centre, Mumbai which is the regional headquarters for the Science Centre in Western India. Goa Science Centre was opened to the public from 19th December, 2001. The main objectives of the centre are to inculcate a scientific temper particularly among the young generation and to popularize science by bringing the excitement of Science & Technology for the common people. Main features of the Science Centre are its interactive Exhibition Galleries; Science Park specially designed programmes and activities.

For students Goa Science Centre is a treasure of scientific information and a place to learn science in a nonformal way in an open environment. For common people visit to Goa Science Centre means a thrilling, joyful & memorable experience. Goa Science Centre is a perfect place of edutainment for entire family and among one of the latest tourist attractions of Goa.
The Goa Science Centre has floated a global expression of interest for companies to consult on the addition of a planetarium and oceanarium to its existing facilities. Officials at the science centre have set a deadline of 31 July for any companies interested to tender a proposal for either project.

It is understood that the addition of a planetarium and an oceanarium are part of an attempt to turn the science centre into a major tourism spot for the Indian state.The latest exhibition to open at the Goa centre commemorates the centenary of the publication of three physics papers by Albert Einstein  namely Quantum Theory, Special Theory of Relativity and Theory of Brownian Motion. The exhibition will run until 16 July.

A 3-D film auditorium situated next to the Science Centre has also recently opened. It is reportedly only the fifth such facility to open in the country and construction costs were shared between the Indian state government and the National Council of Science Museums.


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