Out of the 28 states which form the Republic of India, Goa is amongst the smallest. Yet Goa has a special Heritage, aura of its own that entices every visitor to this palm decked land. It is a land where the bygone era dances to the tunes of a rich cultural heritage. A heritage that traces its pedigree not only in timeline but also on the graph of geography of goa.
The exclusivity of Goa is not of recent origin, nor its existence. This crescent shaped picturesque state is believed to have been well known since time immemorial throughout the Indian subcontinent and the littoral countries dancing on the heart of Indian Ocean, quite evident from the manuscripts attesting pioneering of trade channel routes in the Konkan coast. You can also find its name in the Hindu epic, Mahabharata, where Goa is referred to as Goparashtra or the country of cowherds.
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