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Fun and Frolic Goa

Though, Nightlife is not so popular in India, it is very much accepted in Goa, which bears much of the Portuguese culture and tradition. One time Portuguese Colony, Goa is the best place in India to visit, if you love to fun & frolic through out the day and the night. Nightlife in Goa is exciting and there are many ways to spark up the evening. The people of Goa are fun lovers and it is very common to find families going out for a night of fun & merriment.The atmosphere is excellent - totally relaxing and extremely favourable to an enjoyable night out with friends and family.

There is so much more to do in Goa, besides just relaxing on the beach. Whether its dawn or dusk, midnight or noon, there is no end to the fun and frolic. There are nightclubs and discos for the musically inclined.Goa is home to a number of Casinos and also to Caravela- the only offshore casino-on-a-ship in India.

The fabulous coastline is a heaven for water sports lovers, with facilities for windsurfing, parasailing swimming, speed boating, jet skiing, angling and bananaredes. From October to may conditions are ideal, as the slies are cloudless and blue, and the waters fairly placid. Goa hosts a wind surfing regatta competition annually.

The dense forests, deep rivers and hilly terrain in the wildlife sanctuaries support a diverse range of wildlife, attracting eco-tourism and nature lovers. Spice plantations across the state welcome visitors to their rustic environs to get a taste of exotic spices and a feel of hinterland Goa. Evening cruises along the Mandovi River are an enchanting experience, with snacks and drinks on board, accompanied by folk dancers performing to live music.

Nightlife is always exciting with dance parties to liven up the evening at hangouts along the coast. The atmosphere is great- totally relaxing and extremely conducive to an enjoyable night out.No doubt, you will surely have a special night with the shimmering sand, the soothing moon and the bracing waves!


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