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Churches of Goa

Churches in Goa, across the Goan countryside, the white washed facade of the village churches in Goa is a well-known landmark amidst the greenery of coconut plantations and paddy fields. The Churches in Goar have magnificent edifices and are largely a legacy of 450 years of Portuguese colonization.

Most of these churches in Goa were built by European monastic orders, such as the Theatines Church in Goa, Augustines Church in Goa, Franciscans  and Jesuits Church in Goa, in the Renaissance, Baroque, Iberian and the lesser-known Manueline architectural styles.

Both in inspiration and design, churches in Goa are the spiritual centers of the village or town they stand in and play an important role in Goa, Social, cultural and religious life. Most if the Churches in Goa are centuries old, but still function even today. Many of these churches are also protected heritage sites and house exquisite works of Christian art in Goa.

Every church in Goa celebrates a feast dedicated to its patron saint once a year. These village feasts are celebrated by colorfully dressed villagers with a festive mass in church, a procession of the saint, music by the village band and foot that is an epicureans delight in Goa.

The most famous churches in Goa are at Old Goa church, a UNESCO designated World Heritage site near Panaji. It has the Se Cathedral convent of Santa Monica and the Bom Jesus Basilica, which houses the holy relics of St Francis Xavier, the Patron saint of Goa. Other well-known churches in Goa are the mary immaculate Conception Church (Panaji), the St Ana Church (Talaulim), Church of Our Lady of Miracles (Mapusa), Goa and Mae de Deus Church (Saligao).


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