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Varca Beach Goa

The Vagator beach is the most photographed beach in Goa. Its northern half fronts a bay that curves from the headland to the hillock crowned by the Chapora Fort. Between the headland and the hillock, surf spreads in skirts of white lace and the palms stand far back from the water. At the tip of the headland are groups of sea-washed rocks popular with honeymooners and others who want to be left alone. To the south of the headland are more outcrops of rocks cupping little pockets of sand and interesting tidal pools. And on the headland you will find snack stalls, coconut sellers, and persuasive peddlers of trinkets and shells.

Vagator and Chapora beaches are pure and uncorrupted and do not offer any modern tourist entertainment pastimes or big shopping complexes. But fish, coconuts, bananas, and Bebinca, a Goan delicacy made from tender coconuts, candelabras made of exquisite blue china, and artifacts like woven baskets and earthen pots can be found in plenty here. Chapora Fort is the 500 year old Portuguese fort. A must visit on the Chapora beach the Chapora Fort is not to be missed.

Hiking up, the lava-bedecked black rock stepping-stones lead to the 500-year-old Portuguese fort, popularly known as the Chapora Fort. It utters the reminiscence of the old Portuguese times giving a splendid view of the sea and hills covered with coconut trees and rice fields. The remaining battlements and fortifications take one down the memory lane, into the times when Royalty ruled the Vagator hue. Vagator is one of the more beautiful white sand Goa beaches. To reach the beach, you have to walk down a steep cliff. The sea here is not safe for swimming, but during the tourist season, it has an active nightlife.

The south beach is fairly spread out and more secluded. A little further south of the main beach you'll find the quiter Little Vagator or Ozran beach with a fresh water pool. You can also visit the nearby Chapora Fort. Accommodation is not always easy to find because there are few hotels here.


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