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Home     Goa Guide     Sinquerim Beach

Sinquerim Beach

Sinquerim Beach is one of the most beautiful Goa beaches. It is one of a series of tranquil and spectacular stretch of sand and an ideal place for swimming. The beach is quickly becoming a must-visit Goan destination. The tourists descend upon the beach for its pristine and peaceful setting. Located at a distance of 13 kms from Panaji, the Sinquerim beach lies adjacent to the Aguada beach.

Palm-lined silky beaches with golden sands and sapphire waters play a pivotal role in making Sinquerim one of the most famous tourist destinations in Goa. The place is home to Fort Aguada, undoubtedly the most important and well-preserved Portuguese coastal fort.The fort is the also the most popular historical destination in state. One can have a long walk on the beach towards north up to Baga. Its prime location in Goa, that too near the two most frequently visited beaches - Aguada and Baga - the Sinquerim beach, is able to occupy the center stage like its other brethren.

As the fame of this spectacular beach traveled to the far and wide, a number of beach resorts are born here. The three most important Sinquerim beach resorts include Aguada Beach Resort, Taj Holiday Village and Aguada Hermitage. These resorts provide finest accommodation and the latest in hotel facilities.


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