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Home     Goa Guide     Bogmolo Beach

Bogmolo Beach

Goa Bogmalo beach sports a mixture of serenity and commercialism, splashed with simple beauty where one can happily lose oneself. Initially Bogmalo beach in Goa was a fishing village until tourists started pouring in and tourism stated catching up in this small Indian state of Goa. Despite modern eating joints, hi-tech shops selling handicrafts surrounding it, the village at Bogmalo still manages to stay alive.

Bogmalo beach in Goa is clean and not very crowded like Anjuna beach or other beaches in Goa and while at Goa Bogmalo beach, you can definitely go in for a swim as the water is quite safe for swimming. After the swim, you can try out those numerous eating joints which offer delicious Goan cuisine. If you are looking for a party time while in Goa, Goa Bogmalo beach is the place to be.

With the five-star Oberoi hotel nearby, Bogmalo beach in Goa promises a very luxurious stay. There are places where you can take diving lessons while at Goa Bogmalo beach. There are special guides who can help you through during your diving period.
Accommodation is no problem at Goa's Bogmalo beach. There are few luxurious hotels overlooking the beach which ensure a comfortable stay. But if you are looking for something, which will not burden your pockets much, then there are guesthouses where you can stay and enjoy the beaches of Goa.


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