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Home     Goa Guide     Betalbatim Beach

Betalbatim Beach

Holidays in Betalbatim offer a completely relaxing Goan atmosphere. This place is one of the calmest and least commercial of Goa beaches, so you can be sure of peaceful summer holidays.The Betalbatim coastline is loaded with warm seas, palm trees and the ubiquitous white sand. The long, unspoilt stretches of sand are perfect for long walks or lazy holidays in the sun. But it's not all about the sandy shores.

There are plenty of other reasons for holidays in Betalbatim. Cycle or walk along some of the quiet back roads, through the beautiful countryside. Visit some of the tiny villages. Or check out some of the great bars and restaurants. Whether you're after an ice cold drink, or some of the freshly caught seafood, there's plenty to choose from.

But it's not just the landscape that's as pretty as a picture. The attractive Coconut Grove hotel boasts a picturesque setting right next to the white sands and palm-fringed beach. You're in the ideal position to enjoy the wonderful facilities, or head out and explore the island.So, if you're looking to get stuck into the Goan way of life, holidays in Betalbatim will make all your wishes come true.


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