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Benaulim Beach

Goa Benaulim beach is a very quiet beach. Benaulim beach in Goa starts where Colva beach ends. The best thing about Goa Benaulim beach is that it is still rather undiscovered by domestic tourists even though it is a famous beach for fishing.Benaulim beach gets fairly crowded in the evenings and on weekends. Local visitors often frequent this Benaulim beach; they get off their buses about a kilometer away and pour onto the beach.

At Goa Benaulim beach, one can just laze the day off soaking in the sun. Benaulim beach at Goa gives you the pleasure and satisfaction of being in Goa. This is the beach to be when you just want to relax, relax and relax. Eating joints nearby offer you snacks and drinks as and when preferred and you don't even have to bother about getting up from your comfort zone for such things because there are assistants roaming about through whom you can place the orders and the food or drink is brought to you where you are seated. So at Goa Benaulim beach, all you do is sit and relax.

Less than 2 km south of Colva is the even more peaceful and serene beach of Benaulim, well known as the location for Taj Exotica, Goa. The swimming is good and long beach walks, a staple of a Goa holiday are especially enjoyable north to Colva. Walks or rides on the Beach Road through picturesque countryside 4 km to Colva are also equally enjoyable. The otherwise tranquil beach tends to get crowded on weekends when it attracts local picnickers. Along the Colva and Benaulim Beach you will find a lot of resorts that will surely satisfy your needs. Here you will also find a number of budget hotels also. Hospitality is Goa hotels are among the best that you will find in India.

At Goa Benaulim beach you will find only few hotels for your accommodation but you can definitely rent a house if you are going to stay for long. The Colva beach, situated next to Benaulim beach, houses plenty of resorts and low-budget hotels.


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